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Nature of Dalmatia

Objavljeno: Ponedjeljak, 29 Rujan 2014
Project "Partnership for Sustainable Use of Protected Natural Areas in Dalmatia" (abbreviated name "Nature of Dalmatia”) started in September 2014.
The project aims to develop and enhance cooperation between civil society organizations and public institutions on sustainable use of protected areas and Natura 2000 sites in Dalmatia. 
In the next 18 months Association Sunce as project coordinator will cooperate with the ecological organization "Krka" Knin and public institutions for management of protected areas in Split-Dalmatia, Šibenik-Knin and Dubrovnik-Neretva County on the number of project activities related to improvement of protected areas management, development of Green trips and active tourism promotion. 
Overall objective:
 Efficient management of county level protected areas and future Natura 2000 sites in Dalmatia.
Specific objectives: 
Through participatory approach develop Management Plan for protected areas managed by the Public Institution for the Protected Natural Values Management in the Split-Dalmatia County.
Develop inter and cross sectoral cooperation between CSOs, county protected areas management authorities and tourism sector in management planning, environmental education and active tourism development .
Support sustainable usage of natural resources by promoting Dalmatian county level protected areas and Natura 2000 sites as active tourism destinations.
Main activities
Stakeholder and internal workshops.
meetings and interviews for the management plan development;
Information gathering and management plan writing; 
Meeting and workshops for “Green Trips” development; 
Organisation of “Green Trips” for schools implementation; 
Production of educational material for “Green Trips”; 
Workshops for the development of active tourism programmes and tourists info portal in Knin; 
Production and distribution of active tourism programmes promotional material; Trainings for active tourism guides; 
Production of interpretation elements and setting up of the educational-interpretation paths
Estimated results
Management Plan for Split-Dalmatia county level protected areas 
Developed four new and improved offer of two existing educational “Green Trips” destinations for schools in Dalmatia as a part of CSOs social entrepreneurship
Two outdoor education-interpertation paths and two interactive tourist info portals
Developed and promoted three active tourism programs through protected areas and Natura 2000 sites in Dalmatia 
Increased knowledge about biodiversity protection among active tourism guides and active tourists
The project is funded within the National Programme for Croatia under the IPA – Transition Assistance and Institution Building Component for 2011.
Total value of the project is 138,888 euro and the EU co-finances project with  124,860.31 euro. Croatian Contracting Authority is the Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA).

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