About us

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Ecological Association “Krka” Knin was established on 15 December 2004 with the aim of preservation and protection of the environment. “Krka” operates in the republic of Croatia with main focus to Šibenik-Knin County and town of Knin. The seat of the Association is in Knin with two informal sub-offices in Šibenik and Oklaj. As there was no association with similar aims in Šibenik-Knin County in 2004, volunteers and likeminded people from different strata of society, joined together and out of necessity established Ecological Association “Krka” aiming to preserve and protect the environment. 

Ecological Association “Krka” Knin has 59 members out of which some 20 of them are active. Some of our members are long term employees of civil sector. Members of “Zeleni forum” (Green Forum) support us with their expertise. Our Association Is the member of “Mreža Zeleni telefon (Green Phone Network) of the Republic of Croatia and “Zeleni forum” (Green Forum).
Association achieved positive image among public, civil and private sector, as well as media, trough variety of projects that we implemented and still implementing. Therefore Association became equal partner in decision making process related to protection of the environment and sustainable development.


• Year 2014 – Price of Town of Knin for successful work and contribution to preservation of the environment, Price of National Foundation for Development of Civil Society for the social innovation for project “Eco Toy Library”.
• Year 2016 – Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nature awarded us for the contribution to protection of the environment;
• Year 2017- we gained Coat of Arms of Šibenik-Knin County for exceptional contribution to protection of the environment, encouragement and promotion of ecological tourism, with the aim of improvement of life quality and sustainable development at the area of Šibenik-Knin County.


• Promotion and protection of natural, cultural and the other specifics of the Republic of Croatia with main focus to the Town of Knin and it’s surroundings.
• Encouragement to ecological Preservation and protection of the nature and environment in accordance with macro and micro natural environment and ecological norms.
• The aims of the Association are preservation and protection of the environment as basic values of the society and acceptable management of natural resources implemented by the regulations for sustainable development.
• Encouragement of the ecological and cultural conciseness of the citizens, especially youth and children.
• Encouragement to ecological agriculture and development of cultural, rural and ecological tourism.
• Encouragement to development of civil society.
• Development of social entrepreneurship with emphasis on “green” entrepreneurship;
• Cooperation and exchange with the same or similar domestic and foreign associations and institutions;
• Improvement of life quality, development of the society and encouragement of the developing processes at local community;
• Promotion and development of volunteerism.
• Promotion and development of democratic political culture and nonviolent culture;
• Promotion and development of rural areas;
• Providing all kinds of support to all categories of the society, specifically to socially vulnerable ones for the purpose of life improvement and society development;
• Support to the protection of basic human and citizen’s rights;
• Development and promotion of education for all social categories;

All activities of the Association are adjusted to the achievement of these aims. The Association carries on the following economic activities as well:

• Sale of the products made by our employees
• Intellectual and advisory services
• Providing education
• Organization of the workshops, courses and seminars
• Rental of recreational equipment

Organizational structure of the Association in accordance with Statute and legal regulations is as follows: Assembly, Ruling board, President of the Ruling board, President of the Association, Secretary of the Association and Liquidator the Association.

By joint action to healthy and strong community.

Protection of the environment and natural resources of the community as well as improvement of the life quality of citizens in accordance with the directions for sustainable development, strengthening of the individual, development of democratic society and active citizens.

"No troubles while the Krka rambles"

Contacts of the Association


The Eco toy Library

Objavljeno: Srijeda, 08 Prosinac 2021

Brief project description: What is it about and what is particularly socially innovative?

The Eco Toy Library is informal and operates on a voluntary basis, providing free membership to children who can make a donation and come borrow toys with their parents. The first one to open in Croatia was in Knin, afterwards reaching 7 cities. It helps parents save on buying toys and raises children’s awareness of the importance of sharing, preserving the environment and sustainable waste management by encouraging reuse and creating additional content. End user approach and project realization are innovative. With the support of institutions, associations, volunteers and the media, it’s expanding to organized collection and distribution of toys, books and more.


EU funded projects

Objavljeno: Nedjelja, 29 Studeni 2020

Here you can find short information about the projects financed from EU funds and implemented or in which the partner is the Ecological Association Krka Knin

1. Green City Life

Within the program European Solidarity Forces, Eco Krka gained the project "Green City Life" financed by the Agency for Mobility and European programs. This is second year in the row and duration of the project is 12 months. We expect two international volunteers for a period of 8 months. They will participate in variety of the activities in our Association: promotion of natural beauties of the town of Knin and the surrounding areas.Their tasks include care and protection of the environment, incitement of the ecological and cultural conciseness of the citizens, especially children and youth, work on the networks, promotion of voluntarism, participation in presentation and informing the youth on European Solidarity Forces and Erasmus.


Projects funded by Croatian Institutions

Objavljeno: Nedjelja, 29 Studeni 2020

Here you can find short information about the projects financed by Croatian Institutions and implemented or in which the partner is the Ecological Association Krka Knin

1. Write a note and plant

This project aims to decrease the consequences of the climate changes trough education of children how to care of water, environment protection, awareness of the importance of plants for health and to decrease the use of plastic. Eko Krka will organise workshops in two primary schools when the children will plant recycled pencils from which the plant grows. They will get textile bags in order to decrease the use of plastic ones. Town of Knin is the donor of this project.


Više informacija o EU fondovima:


  europska unija zajedno do fondova eu wEU strukturni investicijski fondoviUcinkoviti ljudski potencijali boja manji w                                                Logo opcina Promina                                                                  

 Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU European Solidarity Corps logo



                   Općina Kistanje       Srednja škola Lovre Montija Knin                     

Osnovna škola "Domovinske zahvalnosti"          Logo opcina Promina  Logo veleuciliste Marko Marulic  


Ekološka udruga Krka Knin je član



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