EU funded projects

Here you can find short information about the projects financed from EU funds and implemented or in which the partner is the Ecological Association Krka Knin
1. Green City Life
Within the program European Solidarity Forces, Eco Krka gained the project "Green City Life" financed by the Agency for Mobility and European programs. This is second year in the row and duration of the project is 12 months. We expect two international volunteers for a period of 8 months. They will participate in variety of the activities in our Association: promotion of natural beauties of the town of Knin and the surrounding areas.Their tasks include care and protection of the environment, incitement of the ecological and cultural conciseness of the citizens, especially children and youth, work on the networks, promotion of voluntarism, participation in presentation and informing the youth on European Solidarity Forces and Erasmus.
2. Social Centre Promina
The aim of this project is to reconstruct and equip the old school building in the village of Lukar and repurpose it for Social centre Promina. This will provide the space for undisturbed activities and development of local associations. Al associations from Šibenik-Knin County will be able to perform their activities and programs in the Municipality of Promina. Social centre as „co-working „space shall be a platform for exchange of knowledge, networking, support to co-operation, initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship. Associations and local administration shall get the space for the workshops, lecturing, conferences and strengthening their visibility within their community. Project is co-financed by European Social Fund within Operational Program “Effective human resources 2014-2020” as a part of program “Participation spaces- development of the program of revitalization of the publically owned spaces trough partnership between organizations of civil society and local community.” Our partners in this project are Municipality of Promina and university “Marko Marulić” Knin. Duration of the project is 24 months.
3. Eco – Info Centre
Project is financed entirely by European Social Fund within Operational Program “Effective human resources 2014-2020” within the program “Development and implementation of the program for social cohesion and increased employment in the towns of: Knin and Beli Manastir as well as municipalities of Darda, Benkovac, Petrinja and Vukovar. Main beneficiaries shall be unemployed people including long-term unemployed from the area of Knin. The project shall last for 36 months. Main aim of the project is increase of competences and strengthening of capacity among aimed group by implementation of the activities of support, advising, informing and education. Town of Knin is the least developed town at Šibenik-Knin County. Large number of productive population has left/is leaving. The list of registered unemployed persons in Knin is quite long. Long-term unemployed people present specific problem. Implementation of support, education, advising, workshops shall improve employment opportunities as well as social, economical and life conditions at the area of Knin. Aimed groups shall be informed on employment options, use of the measures and programs for unemployed, opportunities for self-employment. They will get advises on starting small business, family farming and co-operatives. We shall help them in preparation of business plans and projects. The project is foreseen to last for 36 months with a number of the activities.
4. Knowledge for Sustainable Action
Association “Zelena Istra” from Pula is implementing this project along with the partners “Centre for Peaceful Studies” From Zagreb, Eco “Krka” Knin and several primary and secondary schools from Pula and Knin.This project is introducing sustainable development into formal education at schools partners. First step is education of the teachers and school teams on sustainable development. They shall, together with associations, implement the program within the schools. Variety of methods are used in order to develop competences and motivate the students to be engaged in positive social changes. Sustainable development is a part of regular lessons integrated to different subjects as well as trough out-curricular activities and school projects. Focus is on the activities of the students influencing the parents and society, especially when it comes to volunteerism among the students. Duration of the project is 24 months. It involves plenty of the activities, mainly interactions among teachers, students, parents, associations and local institutions. Sustainable development is broadly defined concept and therefore we explain it through topics like protection of the environment, human rights, cultural diversity, peace and security, sustainable development of the cities, sustainable production and spending, sex equality, etc. This project foresees variety of aims with final goal to prepare schoolchildren for responsible and sustainable development as soon as possible. Project is a part of Swiss-Croatian Program of Co-operation co-financed by the Office for NGOs of the Republic of Croatia.
5. AMHE - European Wetland Ambassadors
Project “European Wetland Ambassadors“(AMHE), is implemented within Erasmus + programme. The aim of the project is reintegration of those who have lost jobs into the working process. Aimed groups shall be included in socially useful work in the society with small fees. Main activists of the project are local administration, associations, NGOs, companies and humanitarian organizations. Regardless the interest of the involved ones reemployment rate is generally very low. Therefore, the focus is not on the organizations but the aim is to develop skills, strengthen visibility and initiate professional reintegration among the beneficiaries of these integrative concepts. The aims of the project are the following: provide quality education and offer very ambitious and sustainable professional perspectives to those who are currently excluded from the labour market by engaging them to the economic activities. The project shall last for 30 months. AMHE project proposes establishment and development of set of new skills in order to create new job “wetland ambassador”. Topics of the training should be environmental mediation, knowledge about the environment and ecological engineering. Transversal and crosscutting skills shall be improved as well as the skill needed for evaluation of the wetlands. Necessary steps towards this goal are set by the agreement between the following partners:
Co-ordinator of the project:
• Communauté de Communes Sud Corse – France
• Istituto REgionale per l'Educazione e gli studi COOPerativi IRECOOP TOSCANA – Italy
• Instituto para el Fomento del Desarrollo y la Formacion – Spain
• Etudes Et Chantiers Corsica –France
• Ecological Association Krka Knin – Croatia
• Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade – Portugal
• Dimos Alimoumunicipality of Alimos – Greece
6. Seize the opportunity!
The aim of this project is support to social inclusion and employment for marginalized groups. Marginalized groups at rural areas cannot avoid social exclusion and poverty without additional skills and outside support. This project tends to provide education for required jobs for these groups at the age of Knin and surrounding areas. Aimed group will increase the ability to get a job and decrease the risk of being socially excluded and poverty. Improvement of the skills within aimed group trough program for adult’s education and increase of the capacity of the experts working with them, are expected achievements.
7. Help today for a better tomorrow
Eco Krka is coordinator of this project. Croatian Office for Employment, sub office Šibenik, and Centre for Social Care Šibenik are partners at the project which shall last for 30 months.
Main point of the project is to employ women from vulnerable groups within local community in order to increase their competiveness at the labour market. These women will get education through certified programs for caregiver and assistant cook to improve their position at the labour market. Employees are five women over the age of 50 and beneficiaries are 25 disabled elders. Project is implemented in the municipalities of Bilice and Dubrava (Šibenik-Knin County).
8. Knowledge to employment
Unemployed and working inactive persons are aimed groups of this project. This specifically applies to long term unemployed. Coordinator of the project is Association Prospero with partners Ecological Association Krka Knin and Zrmanja from Obrovac. Association “Prospero” from Gračac implements the project of education of unemployed for the following vocations: milkman/cheese maker, tourist guide, Manager of tourist office, cattle breeder, beekeeper, welder (REL process) and solar system installer. Project shall increase employment abilities of those with inadequate qualification for the local labour market. It shall last for 24 months. Apart of this, the aim is development of agriculture and crafts at the area of Gračac, Lovinac, Udbina, towns of Obrovac and Knin and the surrounding areas. Co-ordinators and partners shall provide all necessary support during the education.
9. Learn today for a better tomorrow
This project considers aimed group of 40 members of marginalized groups from the area of Knin as well as the experts who are dealing with unemployed persons belonging to those groups. Marginalized groups consist of the youth up to 29 years unemployed for longer than 6 months, those over 30 unemployed for longer than 12 months, Roma national minority members, invalids, homeless people, treated drug addicts, victims of home violence, asylums, migrants, young persons without adequate family care, young persons who left alternative care as well as beneficiaries users of the right on guaranteed minimal indemnity. Through the project, these persons gained knowledge and skills that will help them in search for jobs. Programmes are organized by Public Open School for variety of verified vocations/skills. This has also improved professional abilities of the experts who are dealing with marginalized groups. The project lasted for 24 months. Five expert programs were implemented with 35 attenders. Twelve workshops were held and five experts were educated for providing better service to marginalized groups.
10. Natural born volunteer
Association Krka implemented project Natural born volunteer within program of European Solidarity Forces financed by the Agency for mobility and EU programs. Two youngsters from Portugal and Slovakia volunteered in the association for 8 months. They participated in regular daily duties of the office. Part of their engagement were tasks on preparation and implementation of our projects, such as workshops, promotion of the EU funds among school children, work on social networks, creation of database etc. They created video clips about volunteering which are posted on the website of the organizations and the other social media. Youth Association “Mladi in EU” from Šibenik gave us great support with application and implementation of this project. We expect new volunteers on the same project this autumn.