Završene volonterske aktivnosti u sklopu projekta „NEDS“

Ekološka udruga „Krka“ Knin je provodila 24 mjeseca volonterski projekt „NEDS“ (Nature, Environment, Development and Sustainability)koji sufinancira Europska unija u okviru programa Europskih snaga solidarnosti, a odobren je od strane Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU.
U projektu je sudjelovalo 7 volontere iz Portugala, Italije, Francuske, Njemačke i Španjolske te su imali priliku otkriti našu kulturu, jezik i tradiciju, naučiti o zelenim praksama, zaštiti okoliša, volontiranjui još puno toga, kao i steći nova znanja, vještine i kompetencije. Volonteri su organizirali i brojne aktivnosti za djecu, mlade i građane na teme odvajanje otpada, recikliranja, ponovne uporabe, bioraznolikosti, inkluzije, važnosti volontiranja, solidarnosti, neformalnog učenja i važnosti razvoja vještina.
U njihovoj volonterskoj avanturi imali su podršku Ekološke udruge „Krka“ Knin, mentora i svojih Sending organizacija kojima bi se ovim putem zahvalili na suradnji i pruženoj podršci kako bi se ovaj projekt što uspješnije i kvalitetnije proveo.
Kakvo im je bilo volontersko iskustvo možete pročitati u nastavku teksta te pogledati 2 videa na linkovima.
Hannah iz Njemačke:
“My volunteering experiences
I arrived at my volunteering project in Knin in the middle of July and was welcomed very warmly by everyone, especially my mentor Maja and my co-volunteer Alessandro from Italy. They introduced me to the project and soon we were organizing cleaning actions, pub quizzes and other community activities together.
While the Croatian summer and its (almost) unbearable heat rankled with, Alessandro and I still got to enjoy the incredible nature of Knin and its surroundings. The Krka river with its crystal clear blue water had a lasting impression on me and further convinced me of the importance of its protection and preservation.
By the end of August Alessandro went back to Italy and Naomie from France took his place. She brought with her many new ideas like extending and glamming up the project’s social media. Together we went to the On-Arrival training for volunteers in Orahovica organized by the EU, where we met many other ESC-volunteers from different countries and had a very interesting, wonderful time.
Back in Knin we started doing our Sustainable Cooking Workshop at the local elementary school. Here we would show kids every other week how to cook delicious vegan meals. Additionally, we continued with the occasional cleaning actions and pub quizzes. At these events we got to hang out with the locals and saw more of the Croatian culture and nature.
By the beginning of October, it was time for me to go to the Mid-term evaluation where I again had the opportunity to meet other volunteers, learn about their respective cultures and just have a good time with them.
On the weekends, Naomie and I visited cities like Šibenik, Split and even Zadar and Zagreb, where we met up with our friends from the On-Arrival and Mid-term again. We also spent great times with our friends from the office, whether it was at a pub or in the National Park Krka. And last but not least, we befriended many mačka (cats).
Maja invited us to celebrate Christmas with her and her family and we had a very merry time with them. Unfortunately, Naomie, who had become a very good friend to me, had to leave shortly after.
Now I am about to return to Germany, but I hope to see all the wonderful people I met during my time in the project again soon! Thank you all for the great experience and Doviđenja!“
Naomie iz Francuske:
“My adventure started on the 30th of August after a long journey. During these 4 months I was lucky to live with Hannah, a German girl who introduced me to a vegan lifestyle. I was also accompanied by our mentor Maja, and the girls from the office who helped me in my work. They also introduced me to the local culture, whether it was the food, drinks or the Krka National Park.
During these 4 months I could also participate in different workshops. We cleaned the surroundings of Krka during cleaning actions, we made young children aware of waste sorting and we distributed cotton bags to encourage the inhabitants of Knin to stop using plastic bags. We also conducted bi-weekly cooking workshops with children to teach them how to cook vegan recipes with local products.
In addition, we participated in community outreach by organizing Pub Quizzes, Christmas-themed creative workshops or by cooking and making cards for the elderly.
I also had the opportunity to visit many cities in Croatia, whether it was Oharovica during my training arrival, Dubrovnik and its huget wall or Zagreb and its Christmas market!
Thank you all for these last 4 months, all these meetings, sharing of stories, discoveries and memories.
I hope I will see you soon in France! “
Mathilde iz Francuske:
“I met you 4 months ago, and we had a great adventure together filled with beautiful experiences. What did you teach me ? You helped me learn more about myself, you allowed me to improve my English, travel and discover Croatia.
You also taught me how to work in another country, to discover a new culture and to participate in European, environmental and social projects. But above all you made me meet exceptional people that I will never forget.
So, let's come back together on these 4 months of adventure together,
I arrived I didn't speak English, I wondered how I was going to be able to adapt and enjoy. Then I was helped, I was accompanied and little by little I improved. The first month we had different activities : participating in a training in Orahovica, sorting reused toys, drawing on cotton bags, and discovering the city where we were going to live for the next few months: Knin. I was also able to visited the Croatian capital: Zagreb.
Second month, we cooked, participated in a cleaning action, organized workshops in a high school, visited Split and Trogir, gardened, participated in Erasmus workshops, and continued to visit this beautiful city of Knin. Third month, that's it I had gotten used to this new life, and I continued to travel everywhere, first going to Sibenik and then a perfect weekend to cross the most beautiful national parks in the country ; Krka Park, Plivitce Jezera, we also did workshops with people with disabilities to make them travel, as well as cooking workshops in a school. We also created different content for social networks, and still beautiful moments with friends.
Last month I went to Osijek, Zagreb then Zadar, to the sea and I also visited Cetina. We participated in a day of associations in Knin, created new workshops for the community of Knin, participated a beautiful birthday, participated in a very good buffet and concerts. We have continued to participate in projects impacting our earth.
Here is a small summary of what I have been able to live, a professional and personal wealth for the rest of my life, so volunteering Thank you!
But above all thank you, to all the people who welcomed me, help, supported and accompany,
To all the people I have met, it’s also thanks to you that I will never forget this experience.
Mathilde French volunteer.“
Martina iz Italije:
“I am Martina from Italy, and my ESC volunteering journey in Croatia spanning ten months from March to December was a dream come true. The desire to live abroad, fueled by my curiosity to connect with new people and explore different cultures, found its fulfillment through this transformative experience. I dedicated my time as a volunteer to the Ecological Association Krka Knin, Croatia. This opportunity provided me with profound insights into sustainability and environmental practices. From the moment I arrived, I felt a sense of belonging within the Knin community, fostered by the engaging activities conducted within the association and the warm welcome extended by the community. During my experience, I found that organizing various activities was crucial for my professional and personal growth. I conducted workshops in schools, which provided me with the opportunity to engage with Croatian students, and we exchanged ideas and shared our culture. Through this, I honed my language skills, gaining the confidence to address audiences in another language. The experience provided me with a better understanding of my abilities and deeper self-awareness.
Beyond the invaluable cultural exchange, my professional skills saw significant improvement. The exposure enhanced my digital and multilingual capabilities, contributing to my overall growth. The hands-on experience and challenges faced during the projects were instrumental in shaping my skill set. The most unforgettable aspect of my journey was the meaningful relationships formed with the people of Knin. The host organization played a pivotal role, ensuring I felt at home from day one. My fellow volunteers, Mathilde and Jorge, became trusted companions, providing unwavering support in various aspects of my journey. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the European Solidarity Corps for creating such an incredible opportunity for young individuals. Special thanks to the host organization, the sending organization, fellow volunteers, and the welcoming community of Knin. Each person I encountered and every lesson learned will forever hold a cherished place in my heart.
My ESC volunteering experience in Croatia has been a transformative chapter in my life. The professional and personal growth, coupled with the lasting friendships forged, have left an indelible mark. As I reflect on this journey, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities, the people, and the lessons that will stay with me for a lifetime.”
Jorge iz Španjolske:
After a few hours of traveling from Madrid, I finally arrived to Knin, where my mentor Maja and my college Martina, another Italian volunteer, were waiting to welcome me.
The first weeks were of adaptation and Maja explained to me the work of the association and the different projects they had, I also had the opportunity to take a weekend trip through some cities in the country, because of the weather was good and I could enjoy the country's amazing beaches.
During these 5 months I have been able to learn how an association works, I have carried out many workshops with people of all ages where I have promoted respect for the environment and where we have promoted the association and the different values and programs of the European Union, especially the volunteer programs that exist. We have also had the opportunity to tell our experience as ESC volunteers in the different media in the city, to many young people in schools and on the association's social networks. I have also had the opportunity to work with people with disabilities in our project.
I encourage everyone to carry out this type of European projects that give you an incredible experience and give you the opportunity to travel, meet new people and, above all, learn about new cultures and be part of them.”
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Ovim putem želimo se zahvaliti svim našim međunarodnim volonterima koji su sudjelovali u volonterskom projektu „NEDS“ te svojim volonterskim aktivnostima obogatili, doprinijeli poboljšanju i razvoju same zajednice.
Isto tako želimo se zahvaliti svima koji su sudjelovali, pružili podršku i pomogli kako bi se ostvarili ciljevi i postigli rezultati volonterskog projekta „NEDS“.
Hvala i našoj zajednici što su bili dobri domaćini i omogućili da se svi naši volonteri osjećaju kao kod kuće!
Ako i vi želite pokrenuti promjene u zajednici te ostvariti svoje međunarodno iskustvo u volontiranju, slobodno nas kontaktirajte za više informacija. Budite i vi dio promjena!
Više informacija o mogućnostima volontiranja možete pronaći na sljedećim linkovima:
- ESS:
- EU portal za mlade:
Sadržaj objave isključiva je odgovornost Ekološke udruge "Krka" Knin i Europska komisija se ne može smatrati odgovornom pri uporabi informacija koje se u njoj nalaze.